07 April 2009

anne armentrout

We moved into a new and smaller house about four months ago. I have had to purge -- again! -- my collection of books; however, my loss is gain for The Book Thing in Baltimore, for Friends of the Library books sales in Abingdon and now in Staunton, Virginia, as well as for friends in sundry locations.

I also had to make choices about what would go in the wall unit in my study, where I spend most of my time. Mostly, it's plays and books related to theatre and drama. There are some literature and grammar. Up top is most of my collection related to the arts and fine crafts I presume to practice, winnowed from a larger aggregation of volumes: books concerning any art or craft with which I was not already deeply engaged have been shown the door as a concession not only to limited space but also to the realization that my life's time and my ability to accomplish is also limited.

Poetry, fiction and pretty much everything else now reside in bookcases in that part of the house to which my spousal unit has chief claim, and so far, there is pretty much a place for everything even if every book is not as yet in a proper and artfully arranged place. Even though available space for books is at a premium, I am still unable to stop buying; but I try to follow the rule that for every book that comes in, at least one (and if possible, two) goes out.

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