31 January 2008

cindy fey

This picture is of one of my least messy bookshelves. The one with a few of my favorite books and pictures. The one with the Styron, Kingsolver and Alice Munro clusters. A nice mix of stuff I've barely cracked (Guns, Germs and Steel) and books I've reread and reread (I love Possession's worn binding.)

Thanks for the idea - it's great to revisit the old friends that line my walls.

Cindy writes about life in the past, present, and future at
We All Fall Down.

1 comment:

suesun said...

I love the eclectic mix here of Barbara Kingsolver and Indie/Punk rock..... it speaks to my soul, and that there are others with similarly disparate interests. Have you read Devil in the White City? I read it for book club, and I loved it, although it wouldn't be one I picked out for myself.

Nice large photo.......perfect for perusing.